Everything you need to know about the Singapore weather in June, including rainfall, temperature and humidity.

Weather in Singapore in June
June sees the start of the Southwest Monsoon period in Singapore.
This means that thunderstorms can be expected in the afternoons, plus occasional ‘Sumatra squalls’ (thunderstorms originating in Sumatra and traveling eastward across Singapore) can occur in the mornings.
Along with May, June has the hottest average monthly temperatures, with this being 28.5°C (83°F). Humidity is average for Singapore with a 80.9% average and rainfall is also average, with rain expected nearly half of the days in the month.
Click here to read about the best time to visit Singapore.
Singapore temperature in June
Singapore’s average day time maximum temperature in June is 31.9°C (89°F), with an average minimum temperature of 25.7°C (78°F) and a 24-hour average of 28.5°C (83°F).

How much does it rain in Singapore in June?
It rains on average 13 out of 30 days during June in Singapore, meaning you can expect rain on almost half of the days in the month.
Afternoon thunderstorms are common in addition to occasional morning thunderstorms and these can bring torrential rain. Pack an umbrella and carry it with you as the rain can come on suddenly. You will probably want to find somewhere dry to sit it out when it does come.
With average rainfall of 135.3mm it is a fairly average month when it comes to rain (compared to 105.1mm in January and 331.9mm in December).
Singapore Humidity in June
Relative humidity in June ranges from a minimum average of 63.4% and a maximum average of 93.7% and a 24-hour daily average of 80.9%. This makes it a fairly average month of the year for humidity.
Note that humidity is generally at its highest in the morning just before sunrise and at its lowest in the mid-afternoon (on days when there is no rain).
You will notice the humidity rising in the lead up to a thunderstorm and it will drop again following the rain.
What should I pack for Singapore in June?
As you can see from the above statistics, Singapore is hot and humid in June and you should be prepared for thunderstorms in both the morning and the afternoon.
We recommend packing lightweight cotton clothing and carrying an umbrella and water bottle with you at all times. Also don’t forget your sunscreen, insect repellent and swimwear for when you want to jump in the pool to cool off.
Click here for a more comprehensive guide to what to pack for Singapore.

What else do I need to know about visiting Singapore in June?
The annual Dragon Boat Festival takes place in June. This is when some of the best rowers in the world come to compete.
The main action takes place at Bedok Reservoir, but you can also catch practices and races on the Kallang River or at the Gardens by the Bay Marina Channel.
Be sure to try some of the delicious glutinous rice dumplings “Zhang”, one of the best parts of the festival. These triangular dumplings are wrapped in pandan leaves and come with a variety of fillings.
Before you go… Don’t miss this all this useful information about visiting Singapore:
- Make sure you read our essential planning information page with lots of information about getting around Singapore, what to pack and some top tips for first timers about Singapore laws and customs.
- Also check out the best areas to stay in Singapore here.
- And discover all the best things to do in Singapore here.
- And don’t miss reading about all the amazing local food you should be eating in Singapore here.
Click here to read about the Singapore weather in May and July.