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Singapore Weather in January

What can you expect from the Singapore weather in January? We take a look at the weather, temperature, rainfall and humidity.

Man sitting on waterfront in Singapore looking at dramatic clouds.

Weather in Singapore in January

January sees the wet phase of the North East Monsoon in Singapore draw to an end. This means that rainfall starts to ease, particularly towards the end of the month as the dry phase begins. 

January is one of the coolest months in Singapore and also one of the breeziest months, making it a more pleasant time for walking around when sightseeing. 

However the average temperature is still 26.8°C (80°F) and humidity is still high at 83.5%, so bear this in mind when packing your bags.

Click here to read about the best time to visit Singapore.

Singapore temperature in January

Singapore’s average day time maximum temperature in January is 30.6°C (87°F), with an average minimum temperature of 24.3°C (76°F) and a 24-hour average of 26.8°C (80°F).

People crossing the street in the rain in Singapore with umbrellas.

How much does it rain in Singapore in January?

It rains on average 13 out of 31 days in January in Singapore. However, being at the tail end of the North East Monsoon, it does have the third most rainfall of the year with 221.6mm. 

This means that although it may only rain 13 days of the month, you can expect that rainfall to be heavy and intense when it comes. Pack an umbrella and carry it with you as the rain can come on suddenly. You will probably want to find somewhere dry to sit it out when it does come.

Singapore Humidity in January 

Relative humidity in January ranges from a minimum average of 66% and a maximum average of 94.7% and a 24-hour daily average of 83.5%. This makes it one of the most humid months of the year. 

Note that humidity is generally at its highest in the morning just before sunrise and at its lowest in the mid-afternoon (on days when there is no rain). 

Alfresco dining in Singapore in the evening with Marina Bay Sands in background.

What should I pack for Singapore in January?

As you will see from the above statistics, Singapore is hot and humid in January. 

We recommend packing lightweight cotton clothing and carrying an umbrella and water bottle with you at all times. Also don’t forget your sunscreen, insect repellent and swimwear for when you want to jump in the pool to cool off. 

Click here for a more comprehensive guide to what to pack for Singapore. 

What else should I know about visiting Singapore in January?

January is a time for celebrating in Singapore.

Chinese New Year can take place either in January or February and the city gears up for this throughout January. This makes it a fun time to visit the city, with lots of celebrations taking place, including festive markets, lion dances and the annual Chingay Parade.

Do note, however, that during this time several businesses may be closed or operate with different opening hours.

Man taking part in Thaipusam festival in Singapore with tongue piercing.

January is also when you can witness the incredible Hindu festival of Thaipusam. This festival of thanksgiving sees hundreds of devotees take part in a procession, many carrying a kavadi – a cage-like structure, which is carried via body piercings. 

The procession takes place between Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple at Serangoon Road and Sri Thendayuthapani Temple at Tank Road.

Also in Little India, you will find the street lights lit up for the festival of Pongal, making it a good time to visit Little India in the evenings.

Before you go… Don’t miss this all this useful information about visiting Singapore:

Click here to read about the weather in Singapore in December and February.