We take a close look at the Singapore weather in February, including the temperature, rainfall and humidity.
February is often considered the best month weather-wise to visit Singapore.
The dry phase of the Northeast Monsoon season has kicked in, making February the driest month in Singapore with the least amount of rainfall. It is also one of the coolest and breeziest months and one of the lowest humidity months.
All this makes it one of the best months to visit Singapore, especially if you are planning to do a lot outdoor sightseeing.
However, being in the tropics the average temperature is still 27.3°C (81°F) and humidity is still high at 81.2%, so bear this in mind when packing your bags.
Singapore temperature in February
Singapore’s average day time maximum temperature in February is 31.5°C (89°F), with an average minimum temperature of 24.6°C (76°F) and a 24-hour average of 27.3°C (81°F).
How much does it rain in Singapore in February?
It rains on average 9 out of 28 days in February in Singapore. This makes it the month with the least number of rain days.
Average total rainfall for the month is just 105.1mm (compared to 331.9 in December), making it the driest month of the year.
You should still be prepared for it to rain though and we always recommend carrying an umbrella as the rain can be intense when it comes. What starts as a beautiful morning can often turn into a rainy afternoon.
Singapore Humidity in February
Relative humidity in February ranges from a minimum average of 62.1% and a maximum average of 93.7% and a 24-hour daily average of 81.2%. This makes it pretty average for humidity in Singapore.
Note that humidity is generally at its highest in the morning just before sunrise and at its lowest in the mid-afternoon (on days when there is no rain).
What should I pack for Singapore in February?
As you will see from the above statistics, despite being the driest month and relatively cool by local standards, Singapore is still hot and humid in February.
We recommend packing lightweight cotton clothing and carrying an umbrella and water bottle with you at all times. Also don’t forget your sunscreen, insect repellent and swimwear for when you want to jump in the pool to cool off.
Click here for a more comprehensive guide to what to pack for Singapore.
What else should I know about visiting Singapore in February?
Chinese New Year can take place either in January or February. This makes it a fun time to visit the city, with celebrations taking place around town including lion dances, firework displays and the annual Chingay Parade.
However, note that during this time several businesses may be closed or operate with different opening hours.
Before you go… Don’t miss this all this useful information about visiting Singapore:
- Make sure you read our essential planning information page with lots of information about getting around Singapore, what to pack and some top tips for first timers about Singapore laws and customs.
- Also check out the best areas to stay in Singapore here.
- And discover all the best things to do in Singapore here.
- And don’t miss reading about all the amazing local food you should be eating in Singapore here.
Click here to read about visiting Singapore in January and March.